Les élèves de Terminale de Monsieur Thuillier (professeur d’anglais) ont participé à un concours de « creative writing » organisé par le magazine Speakeasy News. En classe, seul ou en groupe, les élèves ont choisi une peinture du peintre américain Edward Hopper et ont dû créer une histoire que leur inspirait la peinture.
Des milliers de productions furent envoyées au magazine et l’histoire d’un de nos élèves, Damien Franconville, a été retenue et publiée sur le site internet du magazine.
Nous vous laissons apprécier son histoire.
Office at Night, 1940
A special atmosphere reigned in the office that evening. Tension was almost palpable. Tracy felt it. Her boss had a serious face, he was frowning. She had left the heavy wooden door ajar to breathe better, not to feel confined in this sad room where the white walls contrasted with the dark furniture and floor. A ray of light from the street lamp provided some comforting warmth. As usual, Reece was dressed in a suit and tie with his perfectly polished shoes. Sitting at his desk, across from Tracy’s, he was holding a sheet of paper in his hand. His reading seemed to leave him upset and devastated. Tracy was curious at first and then, she started to worry. What did he hold so firmly in his hand? A telegram? A letter? Was he getting bad news? She would like to ask him, question him in order to help and support him. Yet, she remained speechless. Standing next to him, filing in the cupboard, she didn’t know how to react. She had been working with Reece for a long time but he still intimidated her so much. Reece had found this sheet of paper earlier, slipped into an envelope, under his office door, when Tracy was away. His name was inscribed on the envelope: Reece Smith. The thin contents of the sheet overwhelmed Reece with fear. Drops of sweat trickled from his forehead.
You are not who you say you are. I can prove that you are just an impostor.
No signing. An anonymous letter. Reece panicked.
Bravo à Damien ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des élèves qui ont participé à ce très chouette projet.
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